
Cobras can’t fight humans! Indian man bit his garden until he died

An Indian man was bitten by a cobra as he was going to bed. But with belief in folk legends He fought back by biting the cobra twice. This eventually resulted in the cobra’s death.

This incident happened in the state of Bihar. The man, identified as Santosh Lohar, worked as a railway employee. He was bitten by a cobra after finishing his daily work and eating dinner. with speed He grabbed the cobra and bit it twice. According to local belief that This action will help transfer the venom back to the snake.

Lohar’s co-workers later saw him being bitten by a cobra and rushed him to the hospital. Doctors treated Lohar and was able to return home the next morning. However, the cobra he fought did not survive.

Local media reported that An average of 50,000 people per year die from snakebites in India. It is estimated that 3-4 million people are bitten annually. 90% of snakebite deaths are caused by four types of venomous snakes: Snakes. Common Krait, Indian Cobra, Russell’s Viper and Saw-Scaled Viper

Previously, there were reports of an unfortunate young man in Uttar Pradesh being bitten five times in just 45 days, despite moving to stay with his aunt on advice to escape the snakes. But he was still bitten by a snake and passed out. The treating doctor was stunned because he had never seen a case like this before.