
It’s so hot I can’t stand it! Japanese dogs close their eyes to cool down. Share pictures to create excitement.

Many countries are currently experiencing extremely hot weather. Due to being affected by the global warming crisis Rising temperatures affect both humans and animals, who must endure suffocating heat.
One Japanese mother sympathizes with her dog’s bravery in the hot weather. So she shared old photos that she had recorded. It revealed a cream-white Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named “An” sleeping with his eyes closed. Stick out a long pink tongue To cool down, this cute picture drew laughter and praise from many netizens. They all felt sorry for Ye An, who was faced with unbearable heat.


The post on the social media platform “X” (formerly Twitter) with the username “Miyahara Yukie” received more than 74,000 likes, and netizens also shared it. Many more commented and shared their own experiences with pets having to endure the hot weather.
“I feel so sorry after watching this,” one netizen commented. “I understand! It’s so hot it’s almost melting,” another person added. “It’s really hot outside these days. Be careful of heatstroke.”
“My child made this same face yesterday,” another dog owner shared. “Although it’s cute, don’t forget to give the dog lots of water.”
“This is everyone’s reflection on summer,” the final netizen concluded.