
Sharp wind in the giant nose of the long-nosed monkey Secret weapon to win girls’ hearts

According to the science website IFLScience, male proboscis monkeys don’t just use their large noses for breathing. They also use them to emit enticing calls that can attract female monkeys, serving as their secret weapon in the battle for mates.

To humans, the nose of a proboscis monkey may seem strange and even funny. But for these primates living in the tropical rainforests of Borneo, this unique organ is crucial for survival and reproduction.

**Why are proboscis monkeys’ noses so big?**

Researchers believe this trait evolved to attract females. Past studies have found a positive correlation between the size of a male proboscis monkey’s nose and the size of his female group. This suggests that larger noses can lead to greater mating opportunities for male monkeys.

But what makes female proboscis monkeys find these males so attractive? Is it their voice or appearance?

To solve this mystery, Dr. Katharine Balolia from the Australian National University (ANU) led a team of researchers to study the skull structure of proboscis monkeys in detail. Dr. Balolia discovered that the nasal cavities of male proboscis monkeys are larger and shaped very differently than those of female proboscis monkeys. This means that male proboscis monkeys can produce louder, deeper cries to attract females and intimidate rival males.

However, vocalization alone might not be sufficient to attract females. Dr. Balolia and her student Pippa Fitzgerald observed that the nasal cavities of male proboscis monkeys fully develop once they reach sexual maturity, but the front and soft tissues of the nose continue to grow. Specifically, this soft tissue growth occurs during the period when male proboscis monkeys are establishing prominence and attracting females.

Researchers believe that the soft tissue on the nose of male proboscis monkeys likely serves as a visual attraction and a reliable signal of the male’s health and social status to female monkeys. This explains why the proboscis monkey’s nose continues to grow even after the nasal cavity is fully developed.

The research, published in the journal *Scientific Reports*, highlights the important role that large noses play in male proboscis monkeys’ mating success.

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The cat keeps sleeping
